With an uptime of almost 8 years and millions of unique players connected, the server has been delicately refined into what it is today. When it comes to the world of Minecraft Prison servers, Purple Prison is among the best of its class. The views of others may be different.ĥ fun Minecraft servers that fans of Hypixel will enjoy #5 Purple Prison - IP: PURPLEPRISON.ORG Purple Prison is undoubtedly the most iconic Minecraft Prison Server NOTE: The Minecraft servers below only reflect the opinions of the writer and are in NO particular order. This is a metric no other server has since been able to even come close to.Īlthough Hypixel will always be unique, it's always interesting to explore a few lesser-known but top-quality Minecraft servers that fans of Hypixel will most likely also enjoy. Although there are thousands of publicly available Minecraft servers for players to join, very few come close to matching the quality of gameplay offered by Hypixel.Ĭonsidered the current king of Minecraft servers, Hypixel currently dominates the Minecraft multiplayer scene, clocking in at over 100,000 concurrent players per day.